
Test Consultancy

With our experienced test consultancy team and associates we can offer a full range of specialist consultancy services, addressing needs throughout the full system and product development and delivery lifecycle.


Test Services

Our range of test services is very broad, spanning the full system and product lifecycle, from conception through development and delivery into production and on-going support.

This includes high-level test programme planning and strategy development for product and system testing, high-level and detailed planning and delivery of testing processes and infrastructure, including tools and automation, environments and test data.


Test Suite Development

Test development generally leads to the creation of a set of tests, data and other required assets into a test suite. New feature development generally adds to or modifies existing tests or other assets in the test suite.

Regression testing involves running tests from the test suite to ensure that previously correct features and functions contnue to operate as required following system development activities.

Over many projects we have developed efficient and maintainable test suites that provide extremely good test coverage and allow easy modification and extensions to be incorporated.


Test Infrastructure Development

Having an effective test infrastructure is vital to being able to carry out efficient test development and execution. This includes having the environments, the tooling and automation and the test data necessary to be able to carry out right testing at the right points in the development and deployment lifecycle.

We can help you review your infrastructure requirements and plan the changes and improvements need to deliver the effective testing required for your systems and products.


Test Tool Development

Our experience with testing complex products and systems, together with our innovative approach to building effective tools and infrastructure allows us to identify the best options for testing the new generation of devices and systems and deliver tools that support both manual testing and are well suited to powerful test automation.
